Monday, November 13, 2006

random findings...

I was scrounging around in my guitar music yesterday and happened across a couple poems I had written a while back...


Your mask has fallen to the floor
No use pretending anymore
The story's out, the truth's been told
Your reputation has been sold

You tried to run but couldn't hide
Because the beast was locked inside
Such a pretty world you painted
But the looking glass was tainted

So you lived your perfect lie
While you rotted out inside
Holding back the truth within
You denied what you had been

Your friends now wonder who you are
As they watch your falling star
For the Word of truth's been spoken
Your dynasty has fallen, broken

And the secrets will never die never die
As long as they're locked up inside

Just a sidebar...I have seen so much suffering in my own life and the lives of friends when our secret struggles are kept secret. There is only one cure, and that is exposure to the LIGHT. When you expose your "shadows" into the light, there is no power left in them. And remember, if someone is exposing their shadows to you be administers of light grace and mercy, not judgement. We need to hold each other accountable and encourage one another in our valleys.

Once Upon a Nite

Once upon a nite
Heaven sent it's light
In the manger hay
The Emmanuel lay

While the world was fastly sleeping
A Father's promise, faithful keeping

Child humbly come
The garden's curse undone
Born to peasants, kings
See the gifts they bring

Come to the stable and see
The offering of eternity
He who knows your very name
Will stretch across your place of shame

Lost and wandering soul
Come before His throne:
A manger made of wood
A cross, a crown of blood

Prince of Peace and Son of earth
May our hearts proclaim your birth

Breath of God, so still
Wounded hearts to fill
Your promises unfold
In mangers of our soul