Wednesday, June 01, 2005


The night seemed so long -
was wondering if it'd ever break,
or if this rain would stop falling
from these eyes.
Was there reason to hope
lost in this night?
Would morning
ever stretch across this sky?
But happiness has found you
as each new day finds the sun
and you realized for the first time
your life had just begun
...and it's so good to see you smile
to see the sadness washed away
a broken heart restored
emptied hands hold so much more
it's so good to see you smile.

Could I have borne your pain
Tears would be mine to share,
Could I have warmed your heart
No cross would be too much to bear...
But it wasn't my place
To fill the empty space
No, it wasn't my face
That would dawn upon your night
And bring you to the light.


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